Well Gardened Mind

Redicovering Nature in the Modern World

Sue Stuart-Smith


The garden has always been a place of peace and perseverance, of nurture and reward. Using contemporary neuroscience, psychoanalysis and compelling real-life stories, The Well Gardened Mind investigates the remarkable effects of nature on our health and wellbeing.

Presenting recent research into why people feel more fully alive and energised in the natural world, why gardeners report feeling calmer and more vigorous and why spending time in nature awakens the connection-seeking aspects of our human nature, the author argues that our increasingly urbanised and technology-dependent lifestyles make it more important than ever to rediscover a closer relationship with the earth.

This glorious book of science, insight and anecdote shows that our understanding of nature and its restorative powers is just beginning to flower.


  • Format
  • Pages
  • Size
    200 x 130mm
  • Publisher
    Harper Collins
  • ISBN
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