Speedy Vegetable Garden

Mark Diacono & Lia Leendertz


Typically, vegetable gardening is about the long view, but The Speedy Vegetable Garden highlights more than 50 quick crops, with complete information on how to sow, grow and harvest each plant. Sprouted seeds are the fastest. Microgreens can be harvested in weeks: cilantro, 14 days after planting; arugula and fennel in 10 days. And a handful of vegetable varieties grow more quickly than their slower relatives, like dwarf French beans (60 days), cherry tomatoes (65 days) and early potatoes (75 days). The Speedy Vegetable Garden puts fresh, seed-to-table food at your fingertips, fast! In addition to instructions for growing, it also provides recipes that highlight each crop's unique flavour, like Chickpea sprout hummus, stuffed tempura zucchini flowers and a paella featuring calendula.


  • Format
  • Pages
  • Size
    220 x 205mm
  • Publisher
    Timber Press
  • ISBN
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