Forage & Stitch

Using Natural Materials in Textile Art

Caroline Hyde-Brown


Find a wealth of instruction and inspiration on how to incorporate naturally foraged materials into your artwork. In the process, discover a range of textile techniques suitable for all levels and abilities to complement your design. These include hand and machine stitching, solar dyeing, felting, hapa zome and more.

Each technique forms one of many pillars of the author's large body of work, and she has carefully created eight projects, each introduced after a technique, so you can put your new skills into practice. Throughout, she stresses the importance of taking your time and working organically, letting your foraged goods guide your design. This is an approach that not only encourages an intuitive creative process, but develops a more mindful, positive experience for the artist too.

This is an enriching book on textile and natural art that celebrates the maker's relationship with art and the natural world.


  • Format
  • Pages
  • Size
    280 x 215mm
  • Publisher
    Search Press
  • ISBN
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