Nina's Favorite Mittens and Socks from Around Norway

Nina Granlund Sæther


Nina Granlund Sæthe is a fan favorite of knitters worldwide for her attention to detail, her engaging colour combinations and her talent for breathing fresh life into Norwegian textile history. Now, she’s brought together a selection over 40 patterns for both mittens and socks, inspired by traditional designs from every corner of Norway.

  • Discover tips and tricks for casting on, binding off, heel shaping, working multi-colour stranded knitting, finishing mittens and socks successfully and more
  • Explore a wide variety of techniques and stitches, including ribbing, lace and openwork, cables, two-colour knitting and braids
  • Learn about handcrafting traditions and patterns from all over Norway


  • Format
  • Pages
  • Size
    270 x 215mm
  • Publisher
    Trafalgar Square
  • ISBN
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Our Price
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